We support

In spite of hustle and bustle in our daily life we regard it as our responsibility and task to pay attention to those who need our help and support.

The entire Uhlmann Team therefore supports all year round selected charitable and benevolent institutions

SOS Kinderdorf

SOS-Kinderdorf Banner
SOS-Kinderdorf Kinder
SOS-Kinderdorf Zwei Kinder
SOS-Kinderdorf Mutter mit Kind

Since 2015 one of our long-term projects has been dedicated to help and support children in emergency situations in various continents.

Therefore we decided to take on long-term sponsorships of  five children in need and contribute this way to sooth their pain and make circumstances bearable for them.



As anybody knows: "Children are our future and mean hope".

We also invite our highly esteemed customers and business partners to join us and together do our best to support this project and bring about positive changes.

MSF Organization

Ärzte ohne Grenzen

In 2017 one of our donations was given at Christmas time to the MSF Organization to support children in Somalia. Far from our festivities they have to worry every single day how they can survive. For this reason we decided to donate the value of our Christmas gifts – normally exchanged with our business partners – to support these children.

The MSF Organization is represented around the globe and knows every trouble spot and every need in these areas.


Therefore it is assured that our donation will reach the people that need it the most.

The children of Somalia are as important to us as all children in our country, because together they form our future generation.  They will be the ones to decide on matters of war and peace. We intend to make them strong for the future, so they can make wise decisions and as you know people whose needs are met are open to be friendly and peaceful.

Earthquake in Nepal 2015

Uhlmann unterstützt Nepal 01
Uhlmann unterstützt Nepal 02
Uhlmann unterstützt Nepal 03
Uhlmann unterstützt Nepal 04
Uhlmann unterstützt Nepal 05
Uhlmann unterstützt Nepal 06

Both earthquakes in Nepal one in April and one in May 2015 were the most terrible natural disasters of the last decade.The frightening pictures went around the world and shook people’s hearts. Prompt assistance was badly needed. As many others we also reacted immediately and made a donation already two days after the disaster. This way hundreds of canvas tents, rice and drinking water could be bought as an act of first aid and be distributed to the habitants of all the villages difficult to reach.



This way their food supply and having a dry place for the next few weeks could be assured.

In spite of the fact that a lot of donations were made a large number of people still is suffering not having a roof over their head and miss a supporting infrastructure to ensure that they have the means to live.

So please, don't look away, take action and also help with your donation!


Red Noses International

Rote Nasen Deutschland e. V.

2013 we decided to make a donation to support Red Noses Germany. RED NOSES is an artistic organisation bringing humour and laughter to people in need of joy  The special trained clown doctors  with their sensitive and cheerful way help people  in reconnecting with joy, happiness and optimism to increase their self healing power.


This kind of „Clown Spirit“ we regard as absolute necessary in these times and therefore we decided to support youngsters and elders to restore their hope by meeting clown doctors.